The Geologic Setting of Intrusion-Related Hydrothermal Systems near the
Batu Hijau Porphyry Copper-Gold Deposit, Sumbawa, Indonesia

The Batu Hijau deposit,9l4 million tonnes at an average grade of 0.53 percent copper and 0.40 g/t
gold, lies within a 12 by 6 km district that contains several mineralizedd centers. The oldest rocks exposed consist of an Early to Middle Miocene andesitic volcaniclastic succession.This is sequence has been cut by several phase of intermediate o felsic intrusion, Middlle Miocene to the mid-Pliocene in age. and a late andesitic diatreme and dike complex. The volcaniclastic rocks and intrusion in the district, typically of low K, calc-alkaline affinity, form part of the Sunda-Banda magmatic arc, which is underlain by occeanic crust near Sumbawa.

The margins of easterlly elongated quartz diorite plutons focused brittle deformation,.....Download this geologic setting of intrusion complate article.


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